Tunica Parks Directory

Latest News

Lifeguard Training Course
Start Date: 
Anthony Allison
Keythric Merriweather
Phone: (662) 357-0523


Tunica Sports Complex 
Softball/Basketball Tournament 
Lee Ware 662.541.3877
Warren Minor 662.357.0523
Anthony Allison 662.910.0774

Swim Meet
Keythric Merriweather
Anthony Allison

662.357.0523 Main Office


Hours of Operation

Aquatic Center
M-F 11 am - 8 pm
Saturday 10 am - 6 pm 
Closed Sunday

Dundee Community Center
White Oak Community Center
M-F 2 pm - 8 pm
Saturday 10 am - 6 pm
Closed Sunday

G. W. Henderson Rec Center
M-F 8 am - 8 pm
Saturday 8 am - 8 pm
Sunday 1 pm - 6 pm

Health & Wellness Pavilion
M-F 6 am - 8 pm
Saturday 8 am - 6 pm
Closed Sunday 



Tunica Parks Directory

Austin Community Park

Located at 1224 Austin Road. Park includes full court basketball, picnic and playground area.

Beatline Community Park

Located at 1765 Beatline Road. Park includes ball field with covered dugouts, full court basketball, two covered picnic areas and playground.

Dubbs Community Park

Located at 1600  400 Road. Park includes a single goal basketball court with bleachers, playground, picnic area and multipurpose field space.

Hambrick Community Park

Located at 971 Church Street.  Park includes a full goal basketball court, walking track, playground, covered picnic and open area.

Henderson Memorial Walkway

Located at 1165 Abbay Drive. Park includes 1/8 mile walking track with rest areas and par course stations.

Joe Grant Park

Located at 1240 North Park Cove.  Park includes full court basketball court, walking track and playground and two covered picnic area.

Kimble Park

Located at 1170 Kimble Road.  Park includes basketball court, playground and picnic area.

McConnell Park

Located at 1015 Sunrise Park.  Park includes single goal basketball court, walking track playground and picnic area.

Mhoon Landing Park

Located at 2045 Mhoon Landing Parkway.  Park includes view of the Mississippi River with several  picnic shelters, walking track, playground with benches.

Old Sub Community Park

Located at 1065 Union Street.  Park includes playground.

Robinsonville Community Park
Located on South Kirby Road.  Parks includes full court basketball, playground and covered picnic areas.
Sledge Park

Located at 1060 Crenshaw Road just off Old Highway 61 in Dundee.  Park includes single goal basketball court, playground, picnic area with shelter and rest area.

Verner Community Park

Located at 3094 Verner Road.  Park includes full court basketball, playground, picnic area with shelter and walking track.

White Oak Community Park
Located at 1269 South Avenue.  Park includes ball field, two basketball courts, walking track, playground and picnic area.


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